
7 days ago
7 days ago
The Purple Star School program is designed to help schools respond to the challenges military-connected children face during their school transitions. Listen to Mr. Hovet Dixon, Jr., and Mr. Jason Fowler discuss how schools, districts, and community organizations are working to support military families.
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from Alabama State Department of Education State Fund.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Alabama State Department of Education- Purple Star Schools
South Carolina Department of Education-Purple Star Schools
Military Child Education Coalition-Purple Star Schools
The South Carolina Department of Veterans' Affairs
Hovet Lee Dixon, Jr. currently serves as a high school principal in Huntsville, Alabama. He is a proud graduate of Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University several times over, holding degrees in Elementary Education and Education Administration and Supervision. Principal Dixon has almost 25 years of teaching and leadership experience collectively, and prides himself on advocating for the communities he serves.
In his capacity as principal, Principal Dixon has earned various recognitions on the local, state, and national levels for his commitment to his school community and progressions, having most recently been named the Alabama Association of Elementary School Administrators District X's Outstanding Elementary Administrator of the Year. Much of his focus has entailed providing a warm and inviting learning environment for our military families and communities. Principal Dixon values his longstanding partnership with MCEC.
He has been married to a fellow educator for 24 years and is the father of two adult daughters and a high school son. Their pride and joy is their American Bully named Ace.
Jason Fowler (Jay) joined the South Carolina Department of Veterans' Affairs in October of 2022 as the Military Affairs Coordinator. Jason retired from the South Carolina Army National Guard AGR program in February 2018 after 25 years of service to the country, culminating as the First Sergeant of the 43rd Civil Support Team (SCARNG).
Jason served both on active duty in the Army and dedicated almost 15 years of his career to assist Federal, State, Local, and Tribal authorities as a member of the South Carolina Army National Guard’s highly distinguished and decorated 43rd Civil Support Team (CST). He served on the National CST Training Working Group as the Personnel, Senior Enlisted Advisor and was the quarterly Senior Enlisted speaker for the CST Pre-Command Course in Washington DC. Upon retirement he has spent much of his time as a contractor for L2 Defense Group, training with and evaluating the CSTs nationwide alongside US Army North.
Assigned to the Military Affairs Division at SCDVA, Jason works on Quality-of-Life Issues such as Military Child Education, Military Child Care, Military Spouse Employment and provides Base Support to the military installations that are located in South Carolina and Fort Eisenhower just across the state line. The Military Affairs Division strives to sustain and enhance the military presence in South Carolina.
Jason is currently enrolled in the Master of Arts History program at Arizona State University and has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from American Military University in Homeland Security. Jason is a member of several Veterans’ based organizations and enjoys volunteer work in his community.

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Artistic Expressions of the Military Experience
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
In this podcast, you’ll hear my conversation with three of last year’s Call for the Arts Middle School Winners: Claire, Amaris, and Annabelle. Listen as they discuss their beautiful works of art as an expression of their military experiences. Congratulations once again to all the 2024 CFA winners!
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Randolph Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit https://www.randolphspousesclub.com/.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Calling all artists, grades K-12: The 2025 Call for the Arts contest is NOW OPEN. Submissions will be accepted through April 30, 2025. Good luck to every budding artist, we look forward to being amazed. See contest guidelines and link to entry form on our website: https://militarychild.org/programs-and-initiatives/the-call-for-the-arts/
Claire is 13 years old and currently in 8th grade. She stays busy with figure skating, cross country and track, and Civil Air Patrol. She is the second of four children born to Air Force parents. She has moved 6 times with another move on the horizon in Summer 2025.
Amaris is in 8th grade, and her dad serves in the Army.
Annabelle is now 15 years old and in the 9th grade. Her father is an Air Defense Officer in the Army. She has two younger siblings, Audrey and Joey. Annabelle also has two “fur brothers”, Rusty and Archie. She is a competitive swimmer and keeps busy with both high school and year-round club swimming. She has moved 7 times thus far while her father has been active duty.

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Future Ready: College and Career Readiness
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Listen as Dr. Brooke Rice, Vice President of Curriculum and Work-Based Learning at NAF, discusses the changing landscape of college and career readiness for high school students. She shares NAF's innovative approach to transform the high school experience through, "Exposure to career options and opportunities to build upon one's aspirations, to develop future ready skills, and create critical workplace connections".
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Fort Gregg-Adams Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit https://www.gaspousesclub.com/.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Dr. Brooke Rice leads the charge for increasing equity and access to high-quality work-based learning and career-connected curriculum for high school students across the country as the Vice President of Curriculum and Work-Based Learning at NAF. Throughout her career, she has worked at the local, state, and national levels to create resources, provide training, and implement programs to help students achieve their career goals and connect them to businesses who are looking for innovative ways to skill their future talent pipeline.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Expressing Emotions Through Art
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
The MCEC Call for the Arts program invites military-connected children from all over the world, representing every branch of service, to share interpretations through art of what it means to be a military-connected child. Listen as one of our 2024 Call for the Arts high school winners, Genevieve, shares how she expresses herself through art.
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit https://www.ramsteinosc.org/
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Calling all artists, grades K-12: The 2025 Call for the Arts contest is NOW OPEN. Submissions will be accepted through April 30, 2025. Good luck to every budding artist, we look forward to being amazed. See contest guidelines and link to entry form on our website: https://militarychild.org/programs-and-initiatives/the-call-for-the-arts/
Genevieve is 18 years old and is a 12th grader. She loves to draw, paint, and crochet. She also loves her dog, Penny. After graduation she plans to attend California State University, Fullerton and study Social Work.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
How Policy Can Impact Military Families
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Dr. Daniel Perkins and Dr. Jennifer Karre discuss the importance of policy in supporting military-connected students and families. Listen as they examine the implementation of four policy initiatives: Advance Enrollment (AE), the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3), the Military Student Identifier (MSI), and the Purple Star School program.
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Hurlburt Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit https://hurlburtspousesclub.com/.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness
Evaluation of State Implementation of Supportive Policies to Improve Educational Experiences and Achievement for K-12 Military Children
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission
Military Student Identifier
Military Child Education Coalition
Daniel F. Perkins, Ph.D., is a Professor of Family and Youth Resiliency and Policy at Penn State University and also the Director and Principal Scientist of the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State, a university-wide applied research center. Dr. Perkins has been designing and evaluating strengths-based family and youth development programs in 4-H and Cooperative Extension and leading complex projects for over 25 years. His work involves teaching, research, and outreach through the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service. One of his primary areas of focus is in fostering the well-being of military service members, veterans, and their families through the Clearinghouse. In his role as Principal Scientist, he is able to facilitate the translation of science into action by providing comprehensive, science-based programs and technical assistance to professionals working with military service members, veterans and their families.
Jennifer Karre, Ph.D. is a Research & Evaluation Scientist at the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State. Her Ph.D. is in Developmental Psychology. For over a decade, her role at the Clearinghouse has centered around program and policy evaluation. She has worked on evaluations of programs and policies for Service Members and their families related to fathering, parenting, child and youth development, child and youth educational support, couple relationships, reintegration after deployment, financial readiness, and emergency preparedness.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
The Art of Being a Military Child
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
MCEC’s 2024 Call for the Arts received hundreds of entries from across the globe and every branch of service, with creative expressions of strength, bravery, pride, and community. In this podcast, hear my conversation with three of last year’s Elementary School Winners: Aurora, Jack, and Lucia. Seeing and hearing the world from the perspective of a child is inspiring and will brighten your day. Congratulations once again to all the 2024 CFA winners!
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Kirtland Spouses Club. To learn more, visit https://kirtlandspousesclub.com/.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Calling all artists, grades K-12: The 2025 Call for the Arts contest is NOW OPEN. Submissions will be accepted through April 30, 2025. Good luck to every budding artist, we look forward to being amazed. See contest guidelines and link to entry form on our website: https://militarychild.org/programs-and-initiatives/the-call-for-the-arts/
Aurora is 12 years old and in 6th grade. Her father is active-duty Army. So far, she has moved four times. Aurora is the oldest of 6 kids and loves to draw, read graphic novels, bake, and hang out with her friends.
Jack is 12 years old and was born in Landstuhl, Germany, while his dad, a U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. (now retired) was flying out of Ramstein Air Force Base. Jack now lives in Hawaii, where he’s a 6th grader. Jack loves playing soccer, surfing, mountain biking, and getting creative with his art. At home, he’s got a small flock of chickens, including his favorite pet rooster, T-Rex.
Lucia is 11 years old and in the sixth grade. Her dad serves in the Army, and they have moved 7 times in the last 10 years. Lucia is the oldest of four kids. She loves reading, writing, drawing, acting, and singing.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Moving During the School Year
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Military children will experience on average 6-9 school transitions during their K-12 education, and some of these transitions may happen during the school year. Listen as Dr. Jenny Cogbill discusses moving in the middle of the school year and the impact it has on students. She shares valuable tips on how to best support these military children.
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Fort Gregg-Adams Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit https://www.gaspousesclub.com/.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Military OneSource
Military Spouse
Dr. Jenny Cogbill received a B.S. in Psychology from Virginia Tech, a M.Ed. in Counselor Education from East Carolina University, and a Doctorate in Education in Leadership and Learning in Organizations from Vanderbilt University.
She began her career in teaching and counseling in K-12 schools and then moved to higher education as an adjunct professor in psychology and sociology. She began working with The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) in 2013 as a Parent to Parent Trainer and then transitioned to Professional Development in 2015. She continues to work for MCEC as an educator while also serving as the Liaison to the Science Advisory Board and working as a school counselor in North Carolina.
Since 1996, she has helped lead Soldier and Family Readiness Groups and has held leadership positions in multiple military-connected organizations. As an active-duty Army spouse of nearly 30 years, mom of three military children, one of whom is now serving in the Army, she is passionate about advocating for military children, their education, and for their families.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
DoDEA: Excellence in Education
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
DoDEA’s mission is to "Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world". Listen as Kathleen Facon discusses DoDEA’s grant programs and how they are being implemented in communities to support military-connected students.
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit https://wrightpattersonosc.org/.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
DoDEA Grant Program
Kathleen Facon is the Chief of the Educational Partnership and Resources Division within the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). Kathleen (Kathy) Facon is responsible for leading DoDEA’s efforts to champion quality educational opportunities for military children in public schools by supporting military-connected local educational agencies (LEAs). Additionally, she is responsible for overseeing the policy and management of the Non-Department of Defense School Program (NDSP), which provides support and funding for the education of authorized command-sponsored dependents of military members and Department of Defense civilian employees assigned to overseas areas without DoDEA schools.
For nearly 30 years, Ms. Facon has served in various capacities in support of military child and youth development, early education, national accreditation systems, partnerships, parent education and involvement, curriculum programming, youth education support and exceptional family member programs. She has held leadership positions at the Marine Corps Headquarters in Virginia and on Marine Corps and Army installations in California and Germany.
Ms. Facon, a native of California, received a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development from California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo and a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership from Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota. Ms. Facon has been awarded the Commander’s Medal for Civilian Service and the Army Achievement Medal for Superior Civilian Service. Also, Ms. Facon has received twice, commendation from the Department of Navy for civilian service.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Purple Star Schools: The Gold Standard
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
The Purple Star School program is designed to help schools respond to the educational and social-emotional challenges military-connected children face during their transition to a new school. Listen as Pete LuPiba, “Founder of Purple Star Schools,” discusses how the Purple Star Program is helping military-connected students and families thrive.
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Scott Spouses’ Club. To learn more, visit https://www.scottspouseclub.com/.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
Ohio Purple Star Schools
Ohio Department of Education
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)-Ohio
National Advocate for Purple Star Schools
Pete LuPiba is Ohio’s (MIC3) Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commissioner. Initially appointed in 2012 and duly reappointed by the Honorable Mike DeWine, Governor of Ohio in 2019. LuPiba serves as Deputy Director for the Office of Budget and Management in the State of Ohio. LuPiba formerly served as Public Affairs Officer at the Department of Education, 2007-2019.
LuPiba founded the Purple Star School Award for Military family-friendly schools in 2015-2017. Purple Star is in 40+ States (*with 4,100+ Schools), including Virginia, Alaska, South Carolina, Florida, California, Texas, Idaho, Washington State, and New Hampshire – with 600 Purple Star Schools across Ohio. LuPiba was honored to serve as a key advisor and the Master of Ceremonies as Ohio formally launched the Collegiate Purple Star initiative as led by Governor Mike DeWine, and Chancellor Randy Gardner, and the Department of Higher Education.
In November of 2022, fellow Ohioans, state MIC3 leaders around the country, and Governor Mike DeWine nominated LuPiba to be honored in the 30th Anniversary Class of the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame. This Hall of Fame includes Ulysses S. Grant, Neil A. Armstrong, and John H. Glenn. In February of 2023, Adjutant General of the Ohio Army and Air National Guard; Major General John C. Harris, Jr. commissioned LuPiba as an Honorary Buckeye Colonel.
LuPiba coordinated the effort to eliminate the professional educator licensure fee for teachers and coaches and administrators who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces’ Uniform – including the spouses of active-duty personnel. As of 2023, Military families in Ohio have saved more than $365,000.
In 2017-2018, LuPiba developed a state-wide Military Signing Day ceremony for those young men and women choosing to join the Armed Forces to begin their career, including through the Branch Service Academies and ROTC Scholarships at Universities and Colleges. At the 2023 Ceremony, Ohio hosted more than 300 attendees in the State’s capital of Columbus at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum.
LuPiba served active-duty, enlisted United States Navy – deploying with Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 11 to Iraq in 2006. LuPiba completed his duty in the Armed Forces while attached to the Reserves – serving with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 26.
LuPiba is an Alumnus of The Ohio State University and the University of Southern California. LuPiba is married to technology evangelist and cybersecurity expert, Jennifer. The LuPibas reside in greater Columbus with their five children; Sally, Corazon, Lincoln, Grant, and Washington.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
The Well-Being of Military Families: Examining the Research
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Listen as Dr. Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth discusses the importance of conducting research of military and veteran families to improve their overall well-being. She discusses the Military Family Research Institute’s Operation Military Experience, a nationwide study that looks at the experiences of families who have faced a parental deployment.
This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the USAA Foundation.
Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.
Show Notes:
The Military Family Research Institute
Operation Military Experience
Dr. Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth is a Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Family Science at Purdue University, where she directs the Military Family Research Institute, which she co-founded, and serves as Director Emerita of the Center for Families. Dr. MacDermid Wadsworth holds an M.B.A. in Management and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Human Development and Family Studies from The Pennsylvania State University.
Her primary research interest is the relationship between work conditions and family life, with special focus on military families. She is an author of over 140 articles and chapters. Her research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health; the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Agriculture; state governments; and numerous private philanthropies.
Dr. MacDermid Wadsworth is a recipient of the Work Life Legacy Award from the Families and Work Institute and a fellow of the National Council on Family Relations, from which she also received the Felix Berardo Scholarship Award for Mentoring (2018) and the Burgess Award for continuous and meritorious contributions to theory and research in the family field (2022). She has served on federal advisory committees for the National Academies of Science and the Department of Defense and has testified in Congress on multiple occasions regarding military and veteran families.
In 2016, Purdue University received the Kellogg Award from the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities and the Higher Education Civic Engagement Award from the Washington Center in recognition of the work of the Military Family Research Institute. Dr. MacDermid Wadsworth is a recipient of the Morrill Award, Purdue University’s highest faculty honor, for outstanding career achievements that have had an impact on society and has been named a “Top Ten Extraordinary Contributor” among work-family researchers worldwide.